Montag, 2. September 2013

hey guys as you may know I'm in Ireland since yesterday and Im going to write my blog in english or i might mean I'll try to do it in english :D
SO today was an amazing day. I went to school with tara and met some of her friends. they all were really kind and talked to me. some of them tried to pronouns my name and i have to admid that they did it very good.
first lass was irish. Its an advanged course so i didnt understand anything but i know the teacher was telling something about the leaving cert but it will be a class where i'll just sit in the back an study for other classes :D
Next was maths, i understood nothing ok maybe a bit but it was quite difficult to follow.
Then was geography it was easier, the teacher shows us some test people did last year for the leaving cert so we woud've an overview about what we'r doing the following month. Afterward was Physics&Chemistry it's easy because we did the topics in germany 2 years ago.
Then was english, the teacher spoke VERY fast and asked me if it was too difficult for me i could change the class but i guess it will be not too hard because the german teachers prepared us very good and now we are ading a book aout a friendship between two boys...
Next was Biology I dont have this subject with tara but there's a dutch girl in it who hasnt this strong accent and I understand her very good.
then we got lunch break where we went to a supermarket to get hot food. i ate kinda pizza with bacon on top... delicous.
After the break we had a double lesson french amd it was quite easy because I've done it for 5 years in germany but tara is in another french class because she starts as a beginner...
And last class was SPHE(=Social Personal Health Education) it is cool and we wont write any test in SPHE
After school we went to a supermarket and bought some school stuff.
We went home and done 'homeworks' and organize our Hardback copies and al that stuff :D

I've met some friends of tara and they've been as i said in the beginning very nice, i dont know each name but i can remember Alannah, Sarah, Carolina? and Sarah hopefully i will learn all the names :D

Tommorrow I'll have a double lesson french in the morning yeay...

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